On the cool breeze behind the sun
Xeris smiled as Pendzez sat down. She was happy that, as she had thought, he was friendly. "It's nice to meet you, Pendzez," she said cheerfully. "I'm always glad to make new friends." She pondered his question about enjoying the pack--she hadn't really met much of the pack yet. He was only the second packmate she'd met, after DaVinci. "Yeah, I'm having a pretty good time, I suppose, though I still haven't gotten used to everything yet. Hopefully you can help me get situated," she said, laughing a little.

The hot sun continued to beat down on the two packmates. Xeris wiggled her paws in the warm sand, savoring the feeling. Back where she used to live, going to the beach for a simple day of fun was almost unheard of. The waves continued to roll by along the sapphire-colored water, repeatedly drawing Xeris's eyes. It had been a long time since she could relax like this. She was glad that Pendzez seemed to be enjoying himself as well. She looked over at the guitar laying on the ground beside her new friend. "I see you play music, that's pretty cool, I'll have to hear you play it sometime," Xeris said. "I never had a hobby like that. How long have you been playing for?"

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