The colour (and shape!) of magic

Do di dam!

........ The adult warned her that a bee was going to sting her, and she flattened her ears, wondering exactly how much that would hurt. Bees were a bit pretty as well, and she quite enjoyed the gentle humming that filled her ears when they were close by. Another thing, they seemed to love flowers just as much as she did, and that made her automatically like them. It would be funny to imagine having a larger bum that the slightly mean adult wolf with the weird hat thing. She inhaled deeply, but the rock smelt a bit weird compared to what she was used to, but magic things were different from normal things because of the fact that they were magic. It was quite simple.

Something pressed against her nose, and she felt her fur rise slightly. She removed her muzzle from the broken rock and perked her ears to take in the silly man’s words. Egg has baby animal? The girl looked down at the egg, unable to imagine that any baby animal could be mean. "Dangerous? " the girl asked slowly, a touch of worry entering her soft orbs. She wanted to know why though. "Why is it mean it is baby and baby cute and not mean?" Noir had not been a mean baby animal! The Aston child looked down at the stone, and saw a furless head stick out. Baby had no pelt!


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