The colour (and shape!) of magic

MSN is being silly D: 300+

........ The girl was starting to get confused. She was a lovely little thing, but Noir Aston could not be said to be an incredibly smart puppy. She was extremely naïve and believed in peace on earth and flower power. Her mind would have to work on the magic rock equals egg conversion, but she could not really understand how some babies could be bad and some not. Attila could be bad, but he was not bad bad, and Noir was positive he had not been a bad baby when they all had been babies. Babies were just small and cute and were lovely just like Noir had been, and she could not imagine how a bad baby would look like. Maybe like this one. A baby with no pelt, it was a little bit ugly. The girl ever so slowly lifted her face away from the weird thing. There was something coming out from its mouth all the time. It looked a bit like a tongue, but it couldn’t be because it did not look right. Maybe the weird man was right, because it most certainly was an odd looking baby.

Snakes. It was a snakes! She did not know what CHOMP CHOMP meant, but the way he said those words suggested something not very nice. Her blue-golden eyes raced up to the man as he behaved very strangely, as if she was a bit stupid. She was about to come with a smart reply that even if the snakes baby was ugly it did not have to be cruel, but she never got that far before the world span halfway around and she was flying through the air upside down. No, wait, she was being carried. There were a few moments of pure confusion before her little brain finally managed to conclude that something weird definitely had happening, and that the weird man with the moving bum was carrying her. She let a squeal shake the air as her newborn baby (the snakes without fur!) was left behind. Oh noes!

They slowed down, but she was still stuck in his grasp. ”Baby, Noir take care of snakes baby child!” How could he know that it was mean?! ”Noir is telling Mommy on Hoo!” That was the worst threat she was able to present. Tayui would give this Ho-man a time out! So cruel to Noir’s baby..


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