Hi-ho Hi-ho it's off to work we go
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ooc - 310 words

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Well, blah. Tools. The stuff in here didn't even have it's own intrinsic value, then. Sometimes ugly things were rare and worth a lot to everyone, and then they were worth taking anyway because you could trade them for pretty things. But except for like, this one guy Rath, no one was really going to want these tools. What was it he said they were good for? Woodworking? Maybe if Tokyo took a tool she could offer to trade it back to him if he... woodworked her something. Or maybe she had stirred up enough guilt about him waking her up that he'd be willing to.. woodwork her a present anyway. "What do you make with woodworking?" He was probably going to answer with a very large amount of things she didn't really care about. She should be more specific, so she wouldn't be bored. "Like, can you make pretty things."

Oh, she hoped that he could. Now that she had a den and a stable place to live, Tokyo could far more easily horde possessions. It had always been very difficult when her and Champ were chased off various pack lands; she had to leave so much behind. All that she had still owned when she started traveling back down south to the place of her birth was her brown pouch and the few miscellaneous things inside of it. But now.. now there was no fear that the things she acquired would be lost. She trusted her pack not to steal from her, because as a general rule she didn't plan on stealing from them. If she had decided one of the items here was worth having, though, it wouldn't have been stealing. This male and her had found this place at basically the same time, it would have been only her right to take part of the treasure discovered.


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