I am as sweet as candy

OoC: Sace-tables unite! Big Grin

The door to the bar swung crazily on its hinges as Jacquez Trouillefou staggered out into the street, a wild grin on his lean collie-muzzle. Haven Aatte had done well to show him this hole of a bar, filled with glittering treasures of the alcoholic variety. He took another refreshing swig of his bottle of rum, wiping his wet lips on the white fringe of fur on his good arm as the fiery drink burned down his gullet."Haha, c'est fantastique," the tall canine laughed to himself, dark eyes alight with pleasure. A week of sobriety was too long to suffer...

His folded ears flopped back as he looked to the sky - overcast. Perhaps it would rain. Snorting with derision - what sky dared to rain upon him? - the one-armed Optime padded down the abandoned street, looking for something to amuse himself with. There were more buildings than he was accustomed to, more trinkets and playthings just waiting to be liberated. Everything in his hometown had been thoroughly looted already, due to the overpopulation in the area. An empty city, well, this was quite a find! Oh - not completely empty, then. He peeked his head around the decaying wall of a store, finding himself faced with the receding form of a no-doubt pretty stranger.

"Aha! Mademoiselle, I thought I heard footsteps... You come here by yourself?" Jacquez lilted without missing a beat, sporting a devious grin. The rum bottle dangled loosely from his claws as he drew to his full height, dark gaze studying her appearance with interest. Clothing must be a trend amongst the younger generation, he noted with pursed lips. He would rather remain au naturel. "Won't you turn around, cherie?"


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