What could a little curiosity hurt?
Yeah, but the difference is that you reply like superfast! Thought we could end it here, as Haku is a grumpy bastard! You can post a last time and then I can archive it and award us some nice game counts! 300+

There was nothing wrong with Henratha Gyrkin. Haku was merely Haku, and not a particularly pleasant man in any way. The man was sick and grumpy, and although the other brute was friendly and only wished to be polite, at this stage the cocoa man could only see it as lack of brain cells or something else. Truth be told, he just wanted the other to find whatever he was looking for and then leave. The day had started better than most, but the little walk before he had found the fresh member by his cabin had apparently drained the Lilium more than he had believed at first, and so the man’s grumpy mood only slowly worsened as long as he had this guy’s company. The worst part was that those tools would assist Colibri Haki in getting her own greenhouse where she could freely grow her poisonous plants. The failed father had no doubts she would try to poison him at one point.

The shifted man came down and hurried over to the Lilium. Fine tool set? Well, Haku surely had no idea what made a bad set and what made a good set. The blue eyed brute shrugged his shoulders and gave a silent sigh. The gooseberry coloured gaze was upon him, and the male lifted his eyes to allow some eye contact. ”Look, I’ve had a horrible day-“, the man paused slightly, before rephrasing; “I’ve had a horrible week, so I am far from pleasant to be around. Whatever you find, if you find something you can use, just take it. I don’t mind, I will never use it, so go crazy.” Was that clearly enough? Haku let his eyes wander away and started to walk towards the cellar exit. He did not need to babysit an adult. There was nothing of value to steal, and Haku did not care. He just wanted to go to his room and slumber. A last nod was given, and it was now obvious that he was leaving the scene.

Not a good first impression, but the member had simply met Haku at the wrong day and the wrong time.


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