I am as sweet as candy


........ There was a shout from behind, and the girl slowly turned to a halt, her rich tail doing a catlike movement, intrigued. She had heard him exit the bar (he seemed like a noisy fellow) and now he was advancing. At his request, the young girl swirled around to face the larger creature. Like her, the man was shifted, and unlike her, in his Adam’s suit. The girl pursed her lips in return, a lonely eyebrow rising slowly as she took in the sight of the one armed creature in front of her. She was relatively young, but Vitium had taught his children well. Arrogance was as much a part of her as beating heart. The man was oddly coloured, and she was not sure if she could sense much wolf in him. Still, a drunk with only one arm. She took a step away from him, offering him a little frown.

........Her crimson eyes were alert, although he seemed quite affected by the liquid. One could never know. ”Where’s your other arm, freak?” the girl asked with a bittersweet tone in her delicate voice. He looked odd, and she felt this weird need to adjust her balance. A few fingers rose to her face to brush aside the dark bangs so that both eyes could get a proper look at the stray. Could he possibly know the way to a candy store?


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