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Firefly fell silent as she listened to the others talking. She couldn't help but snort at the tall tale that Jacquez was spinning for their friends, a sad shake of her head as she grinned when he flashed that devilish smile her way. He seemed to like the idea of the two combining their disabilities between them, what surprised her though was the fact that the others did as well. She sat back against one of the large boulders that littered the beach as she quietly let them bicker back and forth. The comment that Svara spared her about Haven made her flick her ears back as she finally opened her maw. "There's more to the boy than you know Svara.." She wouldn't tell his story for him but the boy had fallen from grace by some means and he probably needed a smiling face and a shoulder to cry on more than someone to point out the harsh reality for him. She probably hadn't help much last time she'd seen him but she'd been thinking more of Ruri than his own feelings at the time.

Her eyes drifted from figure to figure as the conversation took another turn and went well into the ways to make this pack. Firefly really didn't care how it was made as long as her little mixed up messed up family was there together. She knew she'd probably never see the puppies there but atleast there would be a few smiling faces she knew. She nodded to the words that Leroy said as she gave up and threw in her final say. "Well, are we going to just sit here and babble about if it can be done or are we actually going to put our backs into it and get it done." She normally was more patient with her friends and family than others, but even she had her limits. She enjoyed a good game every now and then but when it came down to matters like this she'd rather see the pack getting started instead of them flirting and teasing and taunting along about how it was going to get done. They could work out the detail and problems as they evolved.

She fell silent again for a moment until she noticed that Ruri was about to fall asleep. She smiled as Svara and Leroy made a point of mentioning going back to the cabin. She just grinned and nodded to Jacquez as she asked. "You coming? I doubt you're as filled with energy as you're acting.." She lifted her nose to the wind as she caught the crisp scent of a storm on the rise. "Smells like rain anyways.." She yawned and stretched her arms as she chuckled at a thought. "We can all discuss this at the cabin.. I'm sure we can find a bottle of whiskey or something.." Of course they could. She still liked the fierce liquor along with any other sort of alcohol and she knew there was one or two bottles still in the cabin unless someone else had discovered her hiding place.

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