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The golden-eyed boy watched her, a small smile on his face that he could not erase. It sat easily on his lips and expressed the ease he felt at her side. He had never been interested in such things, like book or words of stories. But he didn’t know much about any of it, so who was he to judge. He was happy to follower her and watched as she chose what she wanted, hoping silently that she would turn and set her gaze on his for another brief moment.

Her invitation to walk with her to the city’s boarder made his tail jolt to life and he fought to keep it at a soft steady wave. Yes. His answer was simple and quick, not having to take much time to decide. He wandered if she would show her sword, but didn’t have the courage to ask to see it. Thinking about it again he figured it was a personal thing, a sacred instrument. Even someone with as little maturity that he had at times could understand such an idea.

Where are you from? He asked, she was obviously a pack wolf and smelled deeply of it. He on the other had smelt of nothing but himself and the open world around him. He hoped it was a pleasant scent.

table by erin


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