oh, for love we become larger than lifesize
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... pupban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Savina watched with a smile as Amata drug her toy over to the rest of the family and plopped down. It seemed that their cream daughter only had two settings: on and off. One moment she was boundless energy and the next she settled down for a nap. There was no gradual decrease of activity, simply one to the other. Laying there with her mate and their pups drifting to sleep all around them was one of the best things she could imagine. A contented sigh escaped the raven mother as her eyes blinked slowly. How had her world become so perfect? However it had, she was thankful for it.

Hearing that he had been teaching others in their pack filled her with a sort of pride. She knew that her love wasn't exactly a social butterfly, so him branching out was good. "Oh yes? That's great! You're a very good teacher." It was true. He was patient and understanding and willing to go at whatever pace that was needed. Then an idea popped into her head. "Oh, Kansas! Would you want the co-rank of teacher? You'd be wonderful at that, it's clear." It would be amusing if he decided that he did want it. Then they would both have the same specialty, even though his would be to teach reading and writing and she Italian.

Gotham gave a muffled little bark and when she looked down she saw his lips and paws twitching. "He's dreaming," she whispered softly. "I still can't believe we made such beautiful creatures."


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