turn around and see yourself
DaVinci had heard the steps of his approaching daughter but he never turned to look to her, the girl's scent giving fair warning of who it was. When she bumped into him he turned and smiled to the younger girl. He had never thought that he could be a father but here he was now and he seemed to have done a fine job at it. He screwed up at most things, it was only fair he win every once in a while. His stormy orbs looked over his child as she was forced to look up to him. He grinned and admitted. "I thought you would have come back a head taller than me.." She had his blood though and it seemed the blood of his father ran stronger than Iskata's for both his children had come out with the same slim sleek frame he had and those classic oversized ears.

He shook his head at the idea, there was nothing good his father had given him, the man didn't even deserve the title. He was glad that Laruku had killed the bastard when he did.. he'd never had a chance to tell him that, he wondered if the old alpha of Clouded Tears was even around anymore. He hadn't even seen his daughter for some time.. but such was the fate of that pack, to drift in and out of life forever it seemed. How they'd managed to avoid it he wasn't for certain. He was here now though and here he was going to stay as long as he was physically able.

He glanced away from Skylar as she asked if they could talk. "Yeah?" He fiddled with another shell between his fingers as he turned back to her. "What's first?" He really wasn't looking forward to this all, he thought if he'd prolonged it it would have given him the time he'd need but it never did, he'd just pushed it to the back of his mind like so many other things. Now he was stuck in a cycle that wasn't going to end pretty.

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