Tomorrow seems so far away
She didn't know what to do, he was standing so close and yet there was such a fierce look burning in his eyes. She thought that perhaps his father had been telling him all sorts of cruel things about her to try and keep the children away from her but she quickly abandoned that idea, Haku was probably trying to escape the children as much as he could, leaving that damn snobby little bitch in charge of her little boys. She closed her eyes a moment and tried to stop the hot tears that threatened to burn and send trails down her cheeks. She knew where she'd gone wrong with them but she had never expected Conor to be lost. Hell he could have gone lost in Dahlia de Mai, but no, he'd disappeared under the wash of a man she'd trusted with them.. and so she must pay the price.

Her spirits had fallen when she'd seen the fury in his eyes but they crashed even further when Conor fell to the ground and began to sob, she couldn't escape the tears that coursed down her face as she uttered his name so helplessly. "Oh..Conor..." This was all because of her and she had no clue what to do. She was afraid if she got close to him he would run but she had to try, she couldn't just stand there and look the idiot while her poor little boy was crying his heart out.

She took a step closer and another until she was finally at his side. She lowered her muzzle down and nuzzled the small form of her little boy as she whispered tearfully. "I'm sorry Conor, it's all my fault..I never meant you to get hurt.." It wasn't all her fault and she knew it, but no one else was going to take the blame.

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