Zana had been sitting there crying helplessly when all of a sudden she thought she was going to be attacked by another creature. The other puppy was younger than her but she barely even looked it, she stood a few paces off and hissed something at Zana that she couldn't even understand. Tears filled Zana's eyes as she tried to push the other child away from her as she screamed. "Go aways! GO AWAYS!" She didn't want anyone to see her right now and the other girl just upset her. She wanted nothing to do with this new form that she'd been gifted with and she didn't want to see anyone but her family and she was far from where she belonged right now.

The little girl suddenly startled again as another voice called out overhead. She turned quickly, her bright thistle orbs going wide as tears streamed down her face. She tried to back away from the window she'd been sitting under as she cried out. "Don't eat me!" Tripping and falling over her own form all the way as she pushed herway away from the male in the window and the other puppy that was close at hand. Why did all these wolves just want to eat her, it was a horrible horrible world.

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