as tomorrow fades away
Firefly couldn't help the warped little smirk that played across her lips at the words the woman granted to her. She raised a brow in disbelief that a packmate would so openly voice their thoughts on the fact that the leaders had done wrong by one of their own. She chuckled as she shook her head, amused but having to but the girl straight. "You try and tell them they're wrong, see how long you last.." She glanced back to the waved that danced behind them as she shrugged. "It's not like it matters, I'm the Sulein, I'm to be mocked and ridiculed." she snorted as she finished in disgust. "They had to set a perfect example.." So sweet of them to remind her at every turn how badly she'd screwed up and how she herself had earned her position right smack dab at the bottom of their foodchain.

She growled softly as she thought about that simple fact, her thoughts lingering still until the woman brough up the topic that hurt the most, her children. She narrowed her eyes at the lady, not knowing if this was som ply to get on the packleader's better nature by finding every bit of dirt on the Sadira woman. It wasn't like it mattered, she would be gone as soon as she could anyways. She sneered at the other as she spat out the truth. "I staged a kidnapping of my own sons because I believed their worthless father should suffer at their loss. Some bitchy little know it all decided that she was going to save the day and actually find them." She growled in anger at the memory of that day as she continued. "She found the fellow I'd left them with and took them back. She brought them right to the leaders and twisted everything I'd done to make me look bad." She crossed her arms as she glared off into the distance.

After a moment she threw her hands up and added. "And to make matters worse the damn bastard has them all over again!" How she wished that Haku hadn't been so appealing to her so long ago. How she wished that the bastard had some sort of heart she could actually break. He deserved so much more than she'd done to him but she just couldn't find a way to make him pay. She'd find one one day..

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