chaos becomes the child
Zana had been sitting half hidden behind the driftwood watching with deep seated satisfaction as the gull slowly began on his long road that would only end in death. Her eyes glittered with amusement as she cackled to herself. Her little thoughts of world domination(or, at least the beach) were hastily put aside as she heard the voice of another calling out to her. Ducking down out of instinct it took her a moment to realize it was another clan member, or atleast she thought the girl was. She sortof smelled of the clan but Zana hadn't seen her around before. She gave her another hard look before she finally decided to answer her.

"I'm Zana.." She began to put up her collection of poisoned darts and pebbles as she thought on if she should actually give the woman a real answer to just what she was doing. Giving in and flitting her eyes to the other she admitted the truth. "I was ridding the world of one more stupid seagull. It deserved what it got.." Her words were bitter as she smiled cruelly. She was soon going to have the beach to herself. She'd yet to kill the one legged seagull leader, but soon enough his time would come too.

She glanced back to the other girl as she asked, "What are you doing?" Why was she there anyways. This was Zana's section of the beach.

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