Tomorrow seems so far away

His eyes closed and shut the world out. He needed Alexey to cradle him and tell him that everything would be okay and that she loved him. The boy was extremely uncertain and was in dire need of attention and love. Alexey was a wonderful caretaker, but he wanted her to be more than that. He wanted her to love him like he was her baby, and he wanted to be her baby. She wanted to live with her and sleep with her during the night. Alexey always left in the evenings, and that was the worst time of day, because his heart leaked when she was not around to shower him with her love and care.

Suddenly a muzzle touched him, and he froze for a small moment before he went on crying his heart out. Her words were slightly comforting, but he did not trust her enough yet to reply to her. More than anything he just wanted her to pick him up and cradle him and tell him that everything was okay and that she was there now. He wanted her to come back home and live with them. He wanted her to keep daddy from hurting him. He wanted all the bad things to go away. Conor wanted to be a happy child again, because those few happy memories were not yet forgotten.


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