tempting the viper


At the colorful woman approaching even closer than before, Catalyst knew she was now beginning to touch the outer layer of her personal space, and this time couldn't help to inch a couple stumbling steps back. Gazing up at the towering adult as she corrected that why not while Catalyst was still a runt, she was also an ugly little rat. Even while the curse of vanity didn't hit the pup just yet at this stage of her life, it was still a considerable blow to her ego. She was small, but sometimes big things could come in small packages (at least, once again, was what Catalyst thought in her mind). Catalyst had some of her own words to say in retort. "'m not a runt! 'm just like you's. A rat is smaller an' weak'r than me. 'm a Luperci, not a' rat, dummkopf." She muttered the last part in her native tongue, taking the figurative speech quite literally. Keeping her scowl upon her face, she felt her little heart pick up in speed as the fangs of this woman revealed, and couldn't help but brace herself backwards even more. She began to feel the tremors of fear grip her with icy fingers, but Catalyst had to hang in there. For herself and the rest of Dahlia. "Looks can be deceiving..." Now keeping her scowl and also semi-hesitant gaze on the female and her fangs, still standing her ground, it was as if she was applying that meaning to herself too. Yeah, looks could certainly be deceiving, and perhaps Catalyst repeated the female's words for her own reassurance. Maybe another pup would have backed down by now, cowering, afraid to speak, and apologizing, but no, not Catalyst. Even while the adult was beginning to be quite intimidating and making her slightly shake from her adrenaline, she stood what ground she had. She was Catalyst de Sadira, and wouldn't let anyone make a fool of herself.

The mood only worsened, as the adult made a mockery of Catalyst's statement about the puppy eater. Well, how the hell would she know if the adult was in the clear or not? Stranger danger, the thought immediately brought her back to what Conor told her at the beach that day. Cercelee certainly wasn't going to describe every single detail about this puppy eater, what horrid atrocities it committed, and the such. By the way the adult was sounding and acting so far, hell, it would definitely convince Catalyst that she was something along the lines of a menacer to puppies. At the mention of running back to her mother, Catalyst couldn't help but show a little hurt to that in her response, strangely enough in this situation. "I... don' have a' mommy." She said defiantly, once again. She only wished to have a real mommy to run home to, but she had to settle with the guardians she had, in which it seemed this adult knew of (which was a surprising fact to Catalyst). "How do y' know my guardians?" She questioned, incredulously.

All of a sudden, Catalyst felt herself knocked backwards, the adult's foreleg jutting her to the ground. Luckily it caught maybe two or three legs, but it was enough to bring her down. Trying to catch herself (but ultimately failing at so), she fell to the cold hard ground with a thud on her underbelly. "Autsch!" She said, feeling the sting of pain rise from scraping her forelegs and underside. With dual hued eyes now gazing up upon the adult, a flicker of anger in their little pupils, Catalyst shuffled to get back up on her paws. "Dummkopf, wiederholen sie das und ich beiße sie." Her hackles were beginning to raise along her spine, and granted that her words might have seened miniscule and nothing, Catalyst surely kept her word, for one thing. The strike at her was unexpected the first time, but if this adult was to extend her foreleg or any other limb toward her, there was certainly no doubt at all the next action would have Catalyst latching onto the adult by the little teeth (or even claws) that she had. Guaranteed.


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