Tomorrow seems so far away

He felt calmer after the worst of the storm had passed, but he was balancing on the thin line and could easily burst into another round of tears if she was not careful with her words. The puppy swallowed heavily in an attempt to clear his voice, but there was nothing he could do with his nose, which was completely blocked after all the sobbing. The child attempted to snuggle closer against her warm body, slightly afraid something would happen so that she would go away again. She rocked him softly in her arms, and it felt like the world was not that bad after all as long as her mother was with him. Unfortunately, judging on her words, that was not possible. Why was she not allowed to be near Daddy anymore? What had happened? Was it because he and Emwe had come back? They had all lived together before, so why not again? The house was big enough.

He had the answer though. ”Can Conor lives with Mommy?” Daddy was scar and he was mean and created fear in the already broken home. Her mother seemed to care, and if she could not live with Conor because he lived with Daddy, then he could move out to live with Mommy. It did not occur to him that this could be an impossible thing. He was too young to be able to understand the complex world that the adult’s lived in.


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