They can see us, but do they know?


........ A lot screamed threat in her face, both the thing that had moved under her and the fact that there was water all around. For a tiny moment her face was under water, but she was able to gain some self-control when she got back on her feet and poked her head over the surface. Her golden eyes searched after her ivory uncle, and found him quickly just as he jumped into the water and called out that he got it. Ah! It had been a fish! There were fish in water and this was a river! Noir was not very used to the taste of the water creatures, but she was very open for new tastes. ”Catch it, Uncle!” The girl yelled, forgetting that she had never waded this deep into water willingly before.

Water splashed over her, but she stood still in anticipation, wondering if he actually got it. From the looks of it, he didn’t. The girl yelped pathetically in disappointment. She wanted fish! If they found a fish, they could eat it! Her belly grumbled warningly, agreeing with this whole idea about food. It would be cosy. She enjoyed the time with her weird uncle. He was really special and odd, but she quite liked his style. "Catch me a fish and we can eat it!"


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