Nothing is real ‘til it’s gone
Skipping the three members who haven’t posted yet…

It was settled then. The general consensus was more enthusiastic about the idea than Phoenix had originally hoped for. The young alpha didn’t know how close the Storms of previous generations had been, but he couldn’t imagine they could have been much closer than this. When he’d first come into the pack there had been a couple gatherings at first, but he’d been too terrified to mingle. It saddened him, now, because he was the senior member of the pack now and knew so little about its past. Part of their history was lost, probably forever. He had never anticipated being alpha and back then he’d been the last possible candidate for such a lofty position, but if he’d had the foresight to at least learn more about his pack then he could have more of a torch to carry on.

That didn’t mean they couldn’t start now, though. Struck with an idea, Phoenix moved over to the smoothest part of the save wall he could find, illuminated by the fire. Running his hand over the surface, he spoke once again. “Y’know… As soon as possible I’d like t’find us some paint from th’city so we can write th’names of every wolf here on th’wall, mebbe add our paw prints beside our names. An’ we could leave the map to th’ time capsule here—somethin’ we buried b’fore a lot of you joined. That would leave b’hind a little somethin’ for future generations of th’ pack t’ remember us by.” All lofty goals, but not for right now. The pack was exhausted, both mentally and physically from the day. “We can take care of all that tomorrow though. For now, we need to rest an’ rejuvenate ourselves. We got a couple newer members of th’pack. Perhaps we can each tell a story or somethin’ interestin’ ‘bout ourselves? We’re gonna be spendin’ th’winter together, folks. Might as well enjoy ourselves.”

He settled in taking a seat by his son and putting a head reassuringly on his daughter’s lap. With each passing moment he was feeling better about the whole situation. Instead of letting this disaster affect them negatively, Storm was going to galvanize and grow stronger from this.

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