Oh please, God, wake me!

And I'm Not Afraid

Tranquil Springs was a place where Pilot had only gone to a few times. Though, each time he cherished the solitary beauty that it provided – not to mention the spectacular view of the stars that reflected on the pool’s water. The last time he had been here, it was so that he could ponder the next steps in his relationship with Dierdre. After that, they had furthered their advances and became mates. Now, he had come merely to be a part of its serenity.

"Couldn’t sleep, actually." He glanced up to the star scattered sky and a brief smile formed on his lips. Glancing back, Pilot looked back to the scar riddled face of his former pack mate. It was weird how times had changed so dramatically. He got so caught up in it sometimes that he rarely noticed how complex life really was. It was times like this when he got the chance to really reflect. Besides that, he was too busy to even stop and realize. "I like to come here when I get a chance by myself. It’s a good place to think, you know? Is that why you came here?" Maybe it was that, or the fact that he didn’t really have a pack to go back to.


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