tempting the viper

Firefly chuckled darkly as she hit home with the taunting comment to the puppy. She had insulted the little bugger but that didn't bother her too much. She'd insulted much worse. She stretched out her long legs as she tried to ignore the little presence that tried to make Firefly accept that she was worthy of her time and attention and that she was not a rat. The woman just shrugged and leaned heavily against a tree to scratch at a pestering itch. She yawned, showing off her long sharp fangs before snapping her jaws shut. "You're not just like me, you're nothing like me. Just because you're a Sadira doesn't make you anything special. You're worthless until you leave an impression on their souls." She grinned, her teeth glittering dully as she chuckled, remembering just what sort of inpression she'd left on the pack the annoyance belong to.

When the little girl tried to work up the nerve to move closer Firefly just watched her cooly like a cat toying with a mouse. She was enjoying this very much, now all she needed was the little brat to go runing squealing all the way back to Cercelee about the big bad bitch that had scared the piss out of her. When her own words were repeated back to her Firefly lowered her gaze to where she could see the little girl's face more clearly, "You keep telling youself that kiddo.." she said with a smirk. These silly little things thought that if they stood up to the bad guy that they would walk away in the end the victor. Firefly had other plans. She wanted to see the little girl wet herself before she went scampering back into the pack's territory.

She found a dark amusement in harassing the child who had times been better would hae been her pack mate. Now she was just some little stray who had happened to wander across the wrong wolf. Firefly began to wonder if perhaps she should have told the girl that she was the big bad wolf that liked to eat children, then perhaps she would have got a more interesting reaction from the brat. Instead she was stuck with a quivering mass of child that was trying to act brave in the face of her doom. Firefly hoped that she could become the girl's doom but she thought that she had no chance, the pack would probably find out in a heartbeat. If only she hadn't marked the border just to be a bitch. She pouted slightly in disappointment but that all was pushed aside rather quickly as the small one began to mumble again.

Fireflt pricked her ears forward as she taunted. "What, I couldn't hear you, could you speak louder?" She pawed at her ear with a hideleg before shaking her head, acting like there really was a problem other than a poor pathetic pup.

She'd finally given up on the stupid thing coming to her senses as Firefly swatted at the brat. She cackled gleefully as the girl went tumbling into a pile. The fury in the child's eyes amused her as she leaned forward again and spat. "Beobachten Sie Ihr Zunge-Zwergrind .., oder ich werde es haben." Now wasn't it sad that the only character that knew a lick of german was the big bad wolf that wanted you dead.

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