Learning Life's Lessons
http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... gyrkin.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
ooc: Sorry for the delay. I'm a bit busy these days and I've got a lot of threads to catch up on ^_^. This is what I get for procrastinatings.

The ruddy hued male had developed a smooth rhythm to his work as he continued to shape the first of his logs flat edges. With each careful swing of the axe, just enough of the wood was chopped off to make a relatively flat surface on the one side of the log. This was difficult to do, because he had to cut off just enough that he would be able to use the first edge as a guide to make the other three. Then he would have to chop those remaining edges all while losing as little wood as possible to his axe. Even for a practiced woodwright and carpenter, this was not a simple undertaking.

Two strokes of his axe later, and his first edge was finished. With a satisfied smile, he quickly scanned his work with his gooseberry green gaze before flipping the log onto its flat edge and preparing to start on the next edge. It was then that he heard the sound of a small, feminine voice from behind him. White tufted ears perked, the muscular optime turned to see a white, odd-eyed pup behind him. The first word she had spoken he had not understood due to the fact that it had been from a language he did not know. However, the following question she asked him he understood perfectly, even with the slight, puppish slur she attached to some of the words. What was he doing? He turned to look at the axe in his hand and the log laying on its supports next to him. How could he answer this question in a way that the pup would understand? As he knelt down to be closer at her eye level, Rath did his best to quickly devise a simplified description of his work to give to the pup.

"I'm shaping this log to make it have four flat edges so I can make it into something later," he answered, smiling warmly at the curious pup. He did not remember seeing this pup at the pack anniversary celebration, and as such he did not know who she belonged to. The socially inexperienced male had never seen pups before joining Dahlia, but he could already tell that he liked this one. She had been curious enough to ask him about his hobby, and that was enough to win points with him. "What's your name?" He asked, his tenor voice projecting a warm, friendly tone. "My name's Henratha, but you can call me Rath if you want. It's easier to remember that way." It was interesting to the shaggy male that his nickname was so much easier to say than his full name. Why his parents had named him this way he couldn't begin to guess. Regardless of the simplicity of his nickname, Rath hoped that the pup would be comfortable enough to introduce herself to him. He was a bit intimidating, what with his shaggy fur and his large size. It would have been interesting for a bystander to note that Rath, who was usually nervous around strangers, was perfectly comfortable with this juvenile. Perhaps it was the fact that he perceived her to be a relatively innocent youngling. Whether he was correct in his initial assessment would have to remain a mystery for now.


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