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The lady's mind was reflective today as she moved, aimlessly exploring. Lately she had been coming into conflict with herself; for she had idolized the male called Vendetta though she only met him once and knew nothing of him, besides his trancesdence, but was bound to the earthly pleasures of the world. And although she wanted to give herself fully to the darkness and abandon the pettiness of the material world, she knew she could never surrender her vices. The very thought made her skin crawl.

The woods were familiar. Sabeen moved through the shadows, drawn by her fate line to her next destiny. (Another conflict- give herself into it, or direct her own fate?) Apparantly fate's plans for today would make themselves known. A scent blew past her and she stopped, a curious tingling rising from her legs. Hate washed over her as she recognized the smell of her daughter. Mixed with the hate were various emotions: anger, and fear and even a little guilt, although she couldn't name it. Instead of turning away, though, the woman faced it. She approached, cloaked in the darkness, although she knew she would be given away by sound (as the wind favored her today). From behind a tree, Sabeen laid eyes on her daughter for the first time since the pack meeting. She was in the water. She faced away from her, so she couldn't see the damnable eyes, the things that ruined her standing. Sabeen said nothing.


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