On the cool breeze behind the sun
OOC: Well maybe he could teach her if interested Smile Click here to see what he would be saying in an English text. Select romaji to see what it would be.

Pendzez wondered if Jefferson would be willing to help out with giving this female some advice about the pack, if there weren't anyone around. Probably not. He is a bit of a grouch, so maybe Xeris should steer clear of the hybrid for now. "If you were accepted by DaVinci, he's second in command. The top wolf is Jefferson Soul. He's the Patriarch. When I first joined, the leadership was divided into three. There was a Matriarch, a Shamaness, and a Sentinel. The Sentinel position was vacant, leaving only the Matriarch and the Shamaness to do the leader stuff. However, the Matriarch retired, leaving only the Shamaness to do the work, with Jefferson as the sub-leader for help. Jefferson rose up as the Patriarch, but the Shamaness left not long after, leaving Jefferson to do the work with DaVinci's help, after which Jefferson combined the three ranks together, making him head leader and with DaVinci as second in charge." He thought to throw that out there now so she new the the leadership history. She looked like she needed to know things about certain leaderships and current ranks.

Turning to the female, Pendzez nodded as a reply to her question. Maybe he should also say what it meant so she didn't get confused or upset. "Well to tell apart, there are a variety of ways. You only have to listen closely." It was true, languages differ from each other to well. If you listen closely, you'll tell that the languages can be told apart. Some sound the same, but totally different. "You know, if you wish, I can teach you of the language. It may seem hard, but once you get the hang of some words, the rest will get a bit easier."

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