turn around and see yourself

blah blah




She watched him fiddle with his hands, nervous maybe. Skylar looked out to the water and watched it move in and out from the shore. It was surprising how relaxed the ocean could be, until at the last moment it could change. Smiling she looked back at her father. "Iskata.....How is she?" Skylar asked with a loving tone. She remembered Iskata from when she had last been here. She had loved the she wolf and her witty nature. Part of her had returned for her grandmother as well as her father.

"And maybe I should tell you what I've been up to." Sky said lightly as she looked up and played with the end of her hair unconsiously. She already knew what she would tell him, and the rape wouldn't be in it. As a daughter to a father she will tell him that she had fallen in love. Rex would come looking for her soon, she had left him sleeping at the port with a kiss to his sleeping cheek. She already missed him, but as a pirate she had just as much right to go visit her family. "I fell in love." She said with a smiling face. If only she could tell him how with a smiling face.



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