Change the system, break the shape

lol, yes I guess it is…

i gotta be my own boss no matter what the cost

For the pack raised wolfess moving around made little sense to her. Home was a permanent thing, with the security of family and comfort of the familiar. The girl liked adventure, to a point, and liked to meet new faces, but actually picking up and moving was something that felt odd just thinking about it. Starting so fresh didn’t give her a renewed feeling, but brought her anxiety. He had been here some time now, she found it interesting that he hadn’t settled yet. Though, it was Onus she was thinking about. He was far more dissimilar then anyone, and so different from her that Mati could count those differences by the miles.

Just thinking about moving away from her family made Mati want to return to them. The lab was dark and cold, not holding the warmth and security that the Manor did. Violet eyes looked to him, and she spoke with no restraint on her feelings. It’s easy for me to miss my home, and I’m not even that far away. Mati wanted to smile, hoping to find humor in her own words before he found it himself.


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