New (Catherine)

Ooc: Too lazy to explaine all the rules XP

Catherine glanced longly to the pup, listening to her agreement of staying there for a while, until she smiled with her whispered praises to her humble house. It took quite of her force and determination, but it worthed the work. Besides, Saw, Seymour and Bluma supported her, giving some hope of sleeping in a warm shelter while it rainned. Of course, it was quite better than sleep in a branch. Whenever the grayish woman needed a rest, she climbed a random tree and slept in any branch, for a nap. No biggy at all.

She went to a pile, covered with a thick caribbou fur. Raising the pelt a bit, she took two average pieces of the meat under. She stabbed it with a stick and placed it upon a support. Kneeling besides the flames, she reached to a short metal pole, mixing the coals to increase the fire. The meat was right under the fire, the clicks and hisses of the flesh cooking and the delicious smell of it filling the cave quickly. Worry not, soon it will be ready to eat, the grown-up female told to the young one, although it was making her go crazy. A distraction would do to help them forgetthe temptation.

Without getting up, she reached to a rough-made wooden box. It was shallow and square, the cover was a light and dark brown checkers, the small squares perfectly made. She slid it and took the dark and light stones, rounded and flat, with little inperfections. Her home-made checkers board and pieces. It was usually herself and Saw that played, but Bluma and Seymour was always glad to cheer for one of them and watch the game. Good as a pastime, for the boring freetimes.

Placing the board in the ground and arranging the pieces corectly, the light for her, the dark for Peralia. When she was done, she looked at the flesh. Still raw. She turned the stick, so the up side was down and vice-versa. Looking back to the young girl, she explained to the kid the game. She almost completely sure that she was too young to know what that meant. This game is called checkers. It's less complicated than chess, but it's still fun, the woman introduced, and pointed to her pieces. You see those? They are my pieces and pointed to the ones near the pup And those are yours. These are the rules... and started to explaine the rules as simply as she could, and less boring she could make it look.

Got it? she asked gently, after she was done. A glance to the meat: not yet, but almost. Waiting to the pup's answer, she turned the stick again.


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