hollow-hearted, heart-departed
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... xeyban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Catalyst’s confusion was understandable. Her bi-colored eyes were as expressive as ever; innocence radiated from her very being. The Caregiver smiled, opting for a more detailed explanation as to what her job really was. “I’m the pack’s puppysitter. I take care of puppies without guardians. Since Cercelee is your guardian, I try to help her out when I can.” Granted, the Rosea didn’t really need anyone’s help. Slay was help enough, should she ever get overwhelmed. The Lillium’s kids were the ones who needed looking after. They weren’t troublesome though; not in the least bit. Spending time with them was always enjoyable.

Honey-hued eyes travelled to the sandy ground where Catalyst was now drawing vague shapes. One of her own paws reached out and pressed gently against the soil, forming a perfectly defined paw print. “I saw him in Flanders Field, not too far from my house.” she explained, wondering if the child had any idea where the field was. The church was nowhere near that area and Cercelee had very little reason to bring the kids so close to the southern borders. Maybe she’d gone there looking for Palindrome; another possibility. “But this was a little while ago. I don’t know where he is now. We can go look for him together though, if you want.”


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