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no problemsss. i hope this makes sense-- the way i see it, he's on top of her, yeah? so she's using him to push herself sideways to grab at his wrist/arm.

He was going to kill her at the rate he was going. It wasn't right, though, this wasn't how it was supposed to happen. The only way to get him off her would be to prove she wasn't lying, and even then it might not be enough. Damn it, if she had only brought her needle today, even empty it would be a weapon. In the dog's frenzied state it was fairly easy for Sabeen to avoid getting her throat ripped out as she tucked her head down to hide it, but his fangs still glanced off her face and neck, leaving some deep wounds and scratches. "Now why would I lie? I didn't even know--" He knocked her breathless and she bounced off the ground an inch, wincing at the sharp pain in her chest. He grabbed her wrist, screaming at her again about lying-- foolish brute. "I injected you with heroin, and you fucked me!"Her voice was scratchy and raw. Sabeen was feeling light headed, dizzy at the loss of blood, and she seized the moment to shove her legs into his gut, using his weight as a propeller to throw herself onto her side. Her jaws snapped eagerly at the arm enclosing her wrist, wanting to connect, to break his arm, to force him to drop her so she could try to push herself out from under him. Every muscle in her back screamed but she ignored it, intent on the goal of staying alive.


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