Warn your warmth to turn away.

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The male moved silently, slipping into the city as silently as a plague. Even bipedal the crow wolf retained that eerie fluidity. The black orbs drank in the scene of those large, human remains that rose like the skeletons of their pathetic existence. His cruel maw worked through the scents that were brought to him by the serving wind, sifting only for one specific scent. The pied Raven that followed his daughter had brought him news of Cwmfen’s life ever since the bird had come to her; now that he had arrived within these lands, the Raven had come more frequently. And that treacherous beak had told him of the one formidable creature that he had fought. His black lips twitched with a sneer. Love. If there were but one single downfall within the these creatures, it was that ultimate illusion of love. That black, mocking laughter echoed through his mind. And now Cwmfen and that masked coyote had grown intimately attached, more so, the Raven explained, than she had in the past. Well...there were ways of dealing with such things.

The fresh, warm scent that he found did not belong to that male. It belonged to a female. Silently, the shadowed figure tracked that scent, arriving at last within a laboratory. The emotion that emanated from the female seemed to permeate through the stale air of the room, stroking his maw with opportunity. The Korean’s step was silent as he approached her, the black orbs noting the dark things that occurred upon the paper. And he paused only when he was practically upon her. The pied brute knelt for his superior hight, his hand reaching out to grasp her chin. And his touch was surprisingly gentle, charismatic and alluring. “Why so troubled, young lady?” The tenor voice was quiet and assuaging, marred only be the cold emptiness that seemed to lack the ability of even feigned compassion. He wanted her violet eyes to meet his gaze and understand the danger of a female so young traveling alone in such a dark place. That dark maw breathed her scent.

Such opportunities.

His hand released her, but his fingers moved to brush away the moisture of her face as a lover might. The black lips curled in a hollow but nonthreatening smile, allowing the almost ageless, effeminate beauty of his face be known, the terribleness of that darkness subdued by deception. The black ears did not rise up above his head like the horns of some demon but remained relaxed. His gaze, the fierce intensity of those hollow eyes dormant, invited her to embrace the dark that now threatened upon her mind, invoked by the mood mirrored in those inferior, reflective eyes and the dark figures upon that pure, white paper. “The solace does not have to be out of reach,” that tenor sound tempted as his hand was returned to rest upon his knee. The black tail flickered behind him as the shadows clung to him, dulling the bright warning of that white fur that wreathed him. And that speech was only imperceptibly marred by the accent of his Korean tongue, as comfortable with this language as he was with the dark he offered now to this young and innocent soul.


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