Two Intellectuals

.......The intensity of the song left the other wolf panting a little, and Hemming imagined that it would be immensely physically as well as emotionally taxing to play such a song. Through his explanation he revealed a little about himself, as well. Like Hemming, this musician had ventured out on his own, taking something he was passionate about to keep him company. The tall wolf smiled a little bit at the other's story and the similarity between theirs. "That is hugely impressive," he replied. It really was amazing that the orange-tinged wolf was capable of writing his own music. The creative faculties that must be at work in his head was astounding.

.......And of course, each song told a story. In this case, the story - as the music had suggested - was that of a prolonged victory. While Hemming was out by himself, he had set up a fairly extensive system of traps, and planted gardens. The system seemed to work, and he did not often go long without food. Even if food was bountiful, the male would often become sufficiently lost in his books and activities to forget that he needed to eat. This contributed to his slightly skeletal form, the lower ribs peeking through his skin and the bony shoulders. Cooking was an art that he was rather fond of, though, and occasionally, when the idea struck him, he would fashion himself a feast out of what he collected from the traps and the garden. These events were more for the sake of cooking than the sake of eating. Had he had someone to cook for, he probably would have done it a lot more often. He liked to share what he knew.

......."I, too, lived by myself for quite a while. I didn't have instruments, but I had my books and some other things that kept me quite entertained. Why did you leave your pack?" The story behind the genius must have enhanced the genius, and Hemming was curious.


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