don't close your eyes


From what was snagged in her miniscule jaws, her teeth found upon a soft, tender, thin ear of his. Catalyst knew the pain one received from getting their ears bitten upon with a not so gentle nip, and so the ivory girl would do as much clenching and grinding as her jaws would allow upon his ear (although, her jaws weren't that strong to elicit any such bleeding, but perhaps just tiny breakage of the skin). It seemed as if her lunge forward successfully knocked the both of them right off their paws, and right back down into the cushioned creamy sand once again, with her taking the dominant position above them, her jaws still latched onto his little ear the entire way down. For the way he spoke to her, proclaiming that her German was stupid, oh, she might as well bite down even harder for his discrimination. Then again, it was such a sad situation with these two, for there was a great void of misunderstanding among the pups, all understandable and misconceived in the same note.

Catalyst was certainly feeling winded; the head butting blow done to her end felt like a sucking soreness in the center of her chest, with her lungs trying to regenerate their normal pace of breathing again after the air was forcefully taken from them. His initial action hurt her, it really did. She huffed and breathed just like a steaming bull with his ear in her mouth, until once they were finally done hitting the sand did the boy below her begin to kick up a fuss, his tears becoming blatantly evident. This actually surprised Catalyst, for from a boy, she wasn't expecting a loud carried whine with crying. Seeing as how the crescendo of his squeals would escalate the more she remained fastened onto his ear, it was then Catalyst suddenly let go, and then and there did her tears start to break as well from their dam; cascading down her eyes in a fresh stream. Peering down at the crying boy now, the ivory girl breathed heavy, applying her weight upon him as she was basically using him for her support. Her muzzle and ivory facade laid not too far above his overhead from him, her eyes glossy and continuing its stream.

With ears flattened against her skull, she took a moment to regain proper breathing before she could speak, and the first phrases out of her mouth had been that stupid German he didn't understand, although this was said absently by herself. "Sind sie getan?" And of course he wouldn't understand that stupid language, she began to clarify for him in English what she felt. Besides from the fact of feeling winded and hurt, there was also a deeper kind of hurt ravaging its course within her as well. "It's German, it's my language an' my origins. German isn't stupid, unwissend." She said behind hurt and tears, continuing to fall with his own. "I love my origins, if it wasn' for mommy to come here an'... an'... leave me an' my brother's an' sisters, I would have ne'er wanted to come to this stupid place." She said, throwing back his stupid analogy right back at him about this place. This was apparently making her fussy and infuriated as she continued, it could be seen in both different hued eyes. "I don' know why our mommy left us here. But she left us... for... for good." To admit that vocally, it made her lip quiver, and even more tears mat and wet her cheeks. "So it's s'not my fault with anything... I didn't wan' to be here anyway, but now I am, an' if you can't deal with it... then you's is stupid for thinkin' that." Now it was all up to him if he wanted to take in consideration what she said, or if he still wanted to regard her words as stupid and unintelligible, or if they were to continue fighting. It was all in his court now, but not for a second did Catalyst say anything that wasn't genuine, wasn't full of emotion and hurt.


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