Warn your warmth to turn away.

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Some PP Req, lemme know if you want anything changed


The night was filled with unease. He felt it on his skin, in his muscles, in his bones. A shadow lurked in the city and he knew exactly what it was. Though where it was he could not decipher. Not yet anyways. The coyote stood on the top of a crumbling building, next to a gargoyle that overlooked the streets with him. He was crouched down, one hand holding the stone beast to help keep his balance. The wind whipped around his form, making his coat flap about his waist. Where are you. Corvus was in the city. The danger this placed anyone within the concrete jungle made the air thick and suffocating. He was waiting, just waiting for some cry of fear and pain to slice through it like a white hot knife. The man's free hand balled into a fist. If he had to wait that long to know, then he might be too late.

Then suddenly with a clarity he knew. One of his gut senses. They were impossible for the man to ignore for he had come to know how often they were correct. They hardly had failed him, if ever. With dexterity he descended the broken walls of the building and made his way to the ground. He jumped, legs taking in the shock of the impact, filling the man with a sort of electricity flowing through him. With a fast pace that seemed effortless he made his way towards the university. He had to hurry, there wasn't much time. The creature that prowled those hallowed halls was more deadly than any other. He had to reach him before a spirit was broken or a life extinguished. As he ran he rolled his shoulder in its socket. It was still a little stiff, but he had been working it daily. He would be able to fight. It wasn't as if he had a choice anyway.

Silently he entered the union, standing in the exact entryway that he had last met Mati Church. Almost as if on cue he heard her voice call his name. No. Adrenaline leaked into his veins and swift as a shadow the vigilante moved to the laboratory. His ears were pricked forward and his fur bristled, though under the coat one would not be able to tell. Veiled eyes took in the sight of the man of darkness on top of her. A righteous fury took him and he moved with deadly preciseness. Within a split second he was upon them and his claws sank into the wolf's flesh, using the force of his run and the strength of his body to throw the beast from her. He took his place between the prone girl and the dark man. "Mati go," his rough voice commanded softly. He stared at the crow wolf, his body ready.


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