these words i behold no tongue

It's fine. (: 700+

Although unaware of the duties of what a warrior fulfilled and had to uphold, the brush of death experienced every time with the encounter of a fight... that seemed to be an exhilarating concept for the pup. Death was an unknown realm to her, and to be treading the fine line with every engagement of fight and battle, it seemed to be an exciting thing to do day in and day out. Catalyst obviously had much to learn in her span of growing up, the right from the wrong, the pleasure from the pain, but everything conceived in her mind now, sure, it had the risk of hurting a lot (in which Catalyst wasn't too fond of pain either, especially from her siblings), but it just seemed like an experience one should have to set themselves straight in life. The closest thing Catalyst could attach to this warrior perspective was a hero, and who didn't want to be one? "Hmm. I don' like getting hurt's. How's do you... start as warrior?" Her English slightly broken, the young girl was curious to know the beginning paths one took to reach a warrior status one day. Although, as she stated, she was certainly not used to hurting and pain, Catalyst had all the pride in her however to be quite brave for her age, and if bravery was one trait, then maybe she would have her paw in the door to start it off. Peering in closer at the long scars that marked the warrior's body in fine detail, they seemed to be unkind wounds among her protective woads. Which was even more surprising, Cwmfen spoke about how her sister Avarice had wandered too far, and for this Catalyst's interest was piqued. Avarice, she was definitely a rebellious one, and Catalyst was surprised her sister didn't mention anything of the sort to her recently. "Wha'? Wha' happened? Why?" Was all she could say, hoping that Miss Cwmfen would be able to tell her what happened; anything concerning her siblings, big or little, was always a big deal to her. Always.

Catalyst never heard of humans in a kind, positive light, and it seemed doomed to stay that way. Hearing of how they were disrespectful to the lands around them, it made her think about the Town of Wolfville, and the establishments she seen around the world traveling with her mother, and ultimately coming here. So it was the humans that left all these structures behind? "Are they the ones... who made all th' homes then?" The juvenile never questioned before where everything came from, who built it, how it got there, what was there before, and seemingly hundreds of other questions to follow. If they were disrespectful to the lands, how come places such as this looked peaceful, undisturbed? Perhaps it was the fact that Dahlia was only a small fragment within a much larger scope than imagined, and only then when she would mature would she then figure out the answers to her questions in her mind. As much as she could ask Cwmfen all day about endless questions, for now, at least she realized it was best to ask one at a time; Cwmfen was wise, but she did not want to upset her with so many irrelevant, random questions at once.

Hearing how Cwmfen thought about her own mother on occasion, it made Catalyst feel slightly relieved on the inside to know she wasn't the only one with her and her siblings who thought about their mother from time to time. "Me too. Me too." She agreed, with a sullen smile on her little maw. Seeing as how the two were getting accustomed to one another, Catalyst temporarily forgot about the Spring, and the tadpoles that were gliding by her. At Cwmfen's question of how the water temperature was, Catalyst looked down around her, seeing everything in place as before. "'S nice. There's still many of those... tadpoles. You should come in, I don' think they'll mind... either" Her paws bobbed up and down, slightly splashing and grinning toward the darkly marked warrior, making a murky cloud from where she was moving her paws around underwater in front of her.


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