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Boredom set in quickly during the trek home. Most of these houses he’d seen already and many of that group he’d already ventured into. Phoenix was by no means a wolf with a short attention span but, like anyone else, he preferred new sites to the same old, same old. He began humming as he walked, his throat warbling a growling sound with musical tones to it. Soon the cans of paint began to weigh heavily and numb his arms, and he began rotating them between arms—almost juggling—but since they both weighed the same that didn’t help much.

He was caught off-guard by the sound of a distant voice, and his hackles raised a bit when he looked around and couldn’t see anyone. Finally he glanced up a bit and spotted the other wolf, on the roof of a nearby house. Surprised by such a site, Phoenix deviated his course to approach the wolf on the house. As much as he was looking forward to getting home, he was in no real rush and wouldn’t mind a break—and an excuse to put his burden down a few minutes. “It’s for my pack, Storm. We’re gonna use this to write our names on th’ wall of our den so tehre’s somethin’ for th’ next generation to remember us by,” he explained in a friendly manner as he walked into the yard. It was no secret, and he was even a little proud of his idea even. Good ideas didn’t come often since he became alpha.

He wasn’t sure what pack this wolf was from, or even if he was affiliated with a pack at all. Thanks to the winds and the wolf’s distance Phoenix couldn’t get a good smell of him. He was obviously no threat though, considering how high up he was—jumping down to attack him from that height would only result in a broken limb or two, and the other wolf obviously had conversation in mind, not malevolence. “Anythin’ interestin’ way up there?” he asked.

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