hello darkness my old friend
He waited a moment for a name in return, then shrugged when none came. Mayeb the coyote -he thought it was a coyote, at least- was just paranoid or something. He deliberated for a moment over whther or not he should tell the man about Hanna. After all, he could be an enemy to her, some one who didn't like her, who hated her, who might even be out to get her. Or he could be the sick, twisted type who would seek out people to torture just because they could. Thsi thought made him shudder, but, despite the trenchcoat and the blindfold, which was odd, the coyote man didn't seem at all odd or threatening.

Finally, he decided that it would be okay to talk about the incident. "I met her at a bar. I'd just limped in after pulling a muscle in my calf, and she came limping in. She'd fallen and scraped her hand and cut her leg open on a broken bottle on the ground. I looked at the wound, and offered to sew it up for her. In doing so, I used up all but the last three inches of suture material I'd had with me. So, I stuck around long enough to find some more. Oh, an we had a couple of drinks in there, somehwere, but nothing funny or hinky occured," he explained, probably with more unneeded detail than the man would require, but, when he started telling a story, he couldn't just tell it half-way. Well, not very well, at least.

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