Ex Cineribus

.......Hi x) Hemming doesn't know much about AniWaya but he does know a very general history of the area so he could share that..


.......It had only been a few days since Hemming had been in these woods. The last time, he had been so lost in thoughts and dreams that he had imagined that the music drifting through the still air was the voices of the trees as they sang him a story. It wasn't actually their song, he had learned when he found the musician responsible, but it still told a tale. Perhaps that story was what had pulled him back to the place. There were many things about it all that made him skeptical, and though he figured actual physical investigation wouldn't reveal a lot of truth, he wanted to get a feel for the place. Later he could ask Dawali or someone else who might know what happened.

.......The trees were growing close together, and Hemming found it easier to manoeuvre in his lupus form. With all four paws on the ground he trotted toward the springs, where he had found Maldrid last time and where mysterious deaths were rumoured to occur. The small amount of light that penetrated the forest canopy was dwindling as the sun set, and the male was beginning to worry that he wouldn't find his way. He didn't have a good idea what path he had followed the last time, and relied on the faint trickling of water in the distance.

.......It seemed like it had been quite a while - time was frozen in these woods - but eventually the wolf did find what he was looking for. He slipped out of the trees into the clearing, surprised to find that there was someone already there. Keeping his distance from her, he moved toward the springs and settled himself on a rock a ways downstream. Hemming watched the other for a moment - she seemed to be sleeping - before peering into the water that flowed past him. What mysteries did it hide?


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