What I called home

What had she done? She had left Dahlia de Mai for another pack, and the male did not even know why. Not that he could say that he had tried to figure out the reason why either, but from his general overview as a leader, the only issues Flayra had encountered had been Svara, and Svara had always been everyone’s problem. They had taken her in and taken care of her, and this was how she had repaid them. Haku Soul was aware that his mindset was harsh on those who left the pack behind. Though, as the superior being he saw himself as, he had no issues with judging others, especially when there was a valid reason to. The lightly hued girl had always seemed like a soft, fluffy sheep to him though, but that fact did not justify her departure. He watched the youth look around stupidly, as if he was talking to someone else. His brilliant blue orbs rested on her and her only. Perhaps her body was maturing, but the mind seemed to stay behind in a permanent, premature track.

She replied, and he gave a disinterested snort at her last four words. Her voice revealed confusion, but to him it was as clear as day. It should have been for her too. The pack had sent her off with good wishes, but he had not. She had met the wrong individual, for he saw no reason for her to be here at the borders, especially not without any particular reason other than that ‘she missed them’. ”If you miss us so much then why did you leave?” the male grumbled darkly, his tail moving aggressively behind his chocolate and cream body in aggravation. He took a few steps to the side, bringing his back to Dahlia, his front facing her and the borders.


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