a song and dance invisible

.......No worries! <3 Haha nerdy wolves. >D I'd love to join that thread!


.......Ember's words put images that were very strange to him in his head: young wolves riding around on a little fleet of horses. The idea of real-life horses in general was still quite strange to him, and to actually ride them was even stranger. What an exciting prospect it was, though. The male would love to befriend a horse and have it trust him enough to carry him around. Helping with training horses for the pups in the tribe would be wonderful too. "I think that's a marvelous idea. I'd love to help." He watched Bayard for a few moments as he exhaled air forcefully and shuffled about a little, flapping his tail. The horse did look a little tired.

.......Hemming had not found a place to stay permanently yet, and he had been sleeping wherever he ended up by sunset. He was quite pleased that Ember asked about his situation, as he wasn't exactly sure how one's residence was established in the tribe. Something like a tour would be superb, too, as the newcomer hadn't done much exploring, and the little he had seen was lacking context. He'd be able to draw some understanding from the girl's explanation. "That would be wonderful... No, I don't have a den yet." The wolf smiled cordially at the black wolf for a moment, looked at the horse, and slipped through the door out of the stall.


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