Warn your warmth to turn away.

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Immediately he knew this would not be their final fight. This was only another meeting. Though this one would be different from the last. This time he knew what stood before him. His mind was steeled as well as his body. He knew what he was about to do to the girl, and that was unforgivable. Whether or not the act had been committed was now irrelevant (though he was thankful for her sake that it had not). The wolf would pay for his crimes. Maybe not today, but someday and soon. Onus noted that Mati moved, but did not leave the room. No matter. He knew that Corvus would forget her now. Forget her because he was here. He watched with some amount of disgust as he licked the blood his claws had raked from the girl. This creature was a vampire, feeding off the blood of others and darkness. The man would be more than willing to drive a stake right through the creature's dead heart, if he even possessed one.

Again with the banter. The dark wolf's words would not work on him. Words were useless. If he thought he was going to provoke him into some brash move then he hadn't learned much about him. "Corvus Vendetta," he stated with simple certainty. Cwmfen had given him his name. He said nothing to deny or accept his own spoken name. It was obvious the man knew it now. Those words echoed in his ears, but in a different voice. It didn't stir anything inside of him though. His mind was focused on his mission, a place where the few emotions he allowed himself were only burdens to be shoved off. "Only because of scum like you." True, Corvus was far from being the only thing in this world to corrupt innocence, but he certainly was an embodiment of it. He was darkness and everything that came with it.

At the question the muscles in his neck tightened, but more in response to the wolf's advance. A foolish move, going for the last place he had struck the man and caused such injury. Perhaps with a lesser fighter it would have worked, but Onus had been expecting such. Deftly he dodged out of the grasp of that bloodied hand. Now standing at the beast's side one leg kicked out at the back of his knees, hoping to take his balance and footing from him. If that succeeded he would move around to the back and wrap his arm around the man's neck right under his jaw.


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