Warn your warmth to turn away.

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Onus had not expected to hear any reaction from the wolf at his punch, but the contact brought him satisfaction nonetheless. As the dark man's blood leaked into his mouth a sick pleasure settled into his chest. Now I have tasted you too. Now he was not the only one to have had the other's teeth sink into his flesh. Such a wound would not be as devastating as the one that had been given to him, but it was something. His one arm was still hooked around Corvus' neck, not doing as good of job of cutting off his throat, but it was still doing some. For a moment he flexed his muscles, hoping to give the man a bit of a choke.

Suddenly they were falling back. There was nothing Onus could do to stop the wolf from using his weight to push them to the ground. This was not a good situation, but it could have been much worse. The wolf's back was still to him, which would protect him from the most vicious attacks. He didn't fool himself, Corvus would still be able to do damage, but he wasn't in as much danger as he could have been. The wolf's jaws snapped before his face, though he was not concerned. He gave one more violent clamp of his jaw's around the man's arm and then removed his mouth, jerking his head back. Onus barely noticed the methods being used to move his arm, but he obliged anyway, doing his best to rake his claws against Corvus' neck as his arm moved behind the beast. That hand now moved to grab the back of the crow wolf's head. He also moved his head, his jaws snapping at the man's left ears, hoping to rip it.

While all this was going on he was slowly squirming his body out from under the weight of his opponent, becoming ready to kick himself free.


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