On the cool breeze behind the sun
Pendzez smiled as the female replied about the leadership history. Pendzez thought he should throw that out there so she could understand some of the packs history to when he first joined up. She was new so she wouldn't know much about the pack by just being accepted. She would need to be taught of it. If Pendzez didn't come by, she would be just sitting there, doing nothing but to fill the silence.

Pendzez's smiled widened a little as she thanked him for his offer. He would be glad to teach to speak it as well as sing it. Japanese was a language of meaning and of orient origin and magnificence. Who wouldn't want to speak it? Pendzez told his story to the female, maybe the female could tell thing or two about her past. "I'd be glad to do so. Well, enough about me. What about you? Where do ya hail from?"

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