strays of the soul


The night had been silent all around them, until the hoot of an owl echoed through the still of the air, causing Catalyst's small triangular ears to turn in tune with that of her sister's, and focus upon the large bird that was seemingly eyeing the two and sizing them up. Indeed, the two were so small that it could be formidable lunch for the large owl, but Catalyst knew that herself and Avarice could probably take care of that bird together with no problem (or at least she liked to think that). Keeping her dual eyes upon the owl, her voice hitched in a whisper to her sister, mumbling the language only her sister and her could understand, and grew up with. "Sachen sind hier merkwurdig, aber sie sortieren von erinnern mich an ausgangsfast recht?" Well, thinking about it, they never really did have a set home to go to as they traveled a lot with their mother, but things here certainly seemed a little out of the ordinary as one grew used to them.

Avarice expressed her adoration for the night, and of course Catalyst couldn't help but silently agree with a fervent nod. Beyond the hoot of the owl were other sounds, sights, smells, and movement in the darkness, Catalyst knew there was. It was really taking a matter of courage and actually going out in the shadows to find such things, in which Catalyst could feel her heart beat quicken at the mystique of the night. Seeing as how Avarice merely drifted off to sleep for a moment or so, Catalyst nudged her muzzle and nose forward to poke her back awake. "Wir konnen nicht jetzt schlafen! Angegangen, lasst gehen erforschen, dort sind sachen, die wir entdecken mussen!" She urged her sister to get up on her paws and start following along (and if she didn't, well, Catalyst would either pester her to or drag her along, either way). Looking back to Avarice with a glitter of mischief in her two different hued eyes, the ivory pup began walking further through the dark, hoping her sister would follow in toe (because in reality, she didn't want to be the only one meddling around in darkness by herself!)


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