these words i behold no tongue


These elements of the warrior, the very beginnings in order to be thrust upon the correct path of one, Catalyst was immensely interested by what Cwmfen had to tell her; small ears perked forward, at their highest attention, dual eyes focused upon the woad marked woman, and trying as best as she could to comprehend every single word that rolled from her tongue. Discipline, self control. That seemed easy enough, right? Well, not quite, not for her yet. That would come with time and maturity, but it all seemed to be a simple concept than done. It also appeared to be that one had several choices on what warrior to become. "How many diff'rent types are there?" She inquired, wondering what different categories there were, maybe there would be a particular liking to one, or one that would seem more fun than the rest. Strengths and weaknesses, Catalyst instantly perked up at the word strength. For a pup, she knew herself that she had some bout of courage in her, more so than most female puppies her age should have. Finding out one's strengths and weaknesses? Seemed like a fun activity, like getting to know yourself a little bit more, which was what it was. At Cwmfen's offerings of guiding her along the way if that was the path she wanted to try, her little stub of a tail went into the throes of a wag, snaking around underneath the surface of the water she was situated in still, making ripples with the movement of her tail. "Oo, tha' would sound like fun! With you!" Catalyst already looked at Cwmfen as very wise, and what better opportunity would it be to be helped by someone who could pass their wise nature onto them? Catalyst was getting pretty riled up about this idea, and couldn't wait to hear what else Cwmfen had to say about it, if anything.

The topic took a more morbid turn, explaining the reasoning behind Cwmfen's wounds and what happened to Avarice. At the explanation, Catalyst's eyes widened slightly. Lets get this straight, someone tried to eat her sister? Make a meal out of her? This suddenly made the little pup agitated. One could tell by the glint in her eyes that there was a storm mustering up within her at this news, and it would be a storm she couldn't weather out for quite sometime after this. "He... he tried to... eat her?" She said in bewilderment, but also confirmation to herself that Cwmfen certainly didn't seem like the type to tell lies, and it was true. Cwmfen almost killed him, but he was still out there, on the loose, possibly returning sometime again to strike. Attacking a sister, an individual of blood to her, that was personal. And anything personal, certainly wouldn't get by Catalyst so easily. "I want to find him... nobody's goin' to try an' eat my sister." Her voice was defiant, looking to the dark woman with eyes that spoke of determination, now fully fledged frustration. Yes, it seemed to be the most sensical thing for Catalyst at this point to help Cwmfen find this monster puppy eater, and take him down (even though she was too small, too weak, too young... still, nobody messed with her kind).

It was indeed the human's responsibilities who made these structures, but it was good to know nature was taking back what was hers. Cwmfen was certainly right, for the structures did provide shelter, like the church she lived in, from the temperament of weather on the outside and when it grew too hot to endure heat. It was an amazing concept to know that even the Luperci were beginning to learn the skills of these humans as well, and Catalyst would be fortunate enough to meet Henratha in the couple coming of days, as he worked tirelessly on perfecting a slab of wood. "Yes. I like the church." Was what Catalyst had to comment about her own abode where herself and her siblings resided at. "What... home do you live in?" Catalyst couldn't recall seeing Cwmfen before in the Town of Wolfville, and Dahlia was a huge territory to a small pup, so she could only wonder where the warrior resided at for the time being.

Wading a bit to the side to make way for the warrior woman, Catalyst held a small smile on her muzzle as she watched Cwmfen submerge into the depths of the pool. Seeing as how the tadpoles quickly scattered away from the larger form that entered their territory, Catalyst simply watched as Cwmfen drifted off to deeper parts of the waters, reluctant to follow. At the question of whether or not she knew how to swim, Catalyst softly shook her head from side to side. "N-Nein." She spoke in her native tongue, feeling apprehension of the darker waters that Cwmfen treaded within. It looked pretty... intimidating to her.


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