keep it inside, it all goes, all goes by
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Savina watched as confusion wrote itself all over Alexey's face. She didn't know that Kansas and Firefly were siblings? Though she guessed she wouldn't necessarily know. Maybe she and Firefly weren't that close to be talking about her brother. She really had no idea what kind of wolf her sister-in-law was. "Yes. Firefly is Kansas' sister, though I've never met her." She was the only direct relative of Kansas' she had yet to meet, she thought. At times the woman found that a little odd, but she never said that to her mate. It was his family and she would meet people when she would meet people. It was easier for her side, now that both of her siblings were living in Crimson Dreams with them.

The two adults watched her daughter as she attempted to reach out to Conor. Maybe another quiet, shy soul was just what he needed. She could see where Amata would have been a little intimidating. She loved her light girl's exuberance, but for someone like him it wouldn't have been so endearing. His head peeked up over Alexey's tail and she thought that maybe it had worked. Unfortunately all her hopes were for naught as his hide himself behind his caretaker's tail again. She had never seen such a scared, unadjusted pup. She pitied the poor boy.

Though things turned worse with his one word answer to Alexey's question. Cambria's ears fell back against her head and her tail tucked up against her tummy. Moisture gathered in her big eyes and she ran back to her momma, burying her face in the fur of her chest. Savina frowned sadly and nuzzled her daughter. "It's alright are pretty," she whispered softly, hoping to calm her crying. Gotham gave a glare in the direction of the hiding boy and went to protectively sit in front of Savina's paws. Amata had stopped playing with her toy and just stared, wide-eyed, over at the rest of the group.


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