Bones in the closet, time to come out
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Amata bounced on her large paws as the door opened and Jazper came into the room. "Jaaazzzzzz!" She loved it when he came to visit them. He was so big! Like a giant! But he was a nice giant, not a scary giant. As he bent over to pick her up her little tail wagged furiously and she licked his nose. "I dunnoss, is I?" Was she excitable? Maybe, but she was always this way. The world was an exciting place! And it was always nice to have visitors. Savina smiled broadly as Jazz made his way over to her, holding her daughter. The Lt. General never ceased to be thankful of his presence within the pack. He was one of the pillars of Crimson Dreams. It would not be the same place without him. As his hands released their hold on her she turned and put her front paws up on his stomach, her head craned back all the way to look up at him.

"I think you might have a new biggest fan," Savina said with a chuckle. At his comment she looked back to her other two pups. Still they slumbered on. Gotham yawned and stretched out his stubby little legs, but showed no signs of waking. "Yes, but I think they grow more each day." Each day they got a little more sure on their feet. A little better at speaking. All that in just under two moons. It was really quite remarkable. Jazper began to speak and she looked back to her good friend. "It's alright Jazper, it was a misunderstanding. We just need to make sure he understands how things work around here." It had been scary for her for a few moments, but nothing bad had happened. Savina knew that there was more the dark male wanted to say on the matter, he had not come to simply talk about that incident again.


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