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Overturned shelves, cracked plaster, and paint flecks were all that was left of an era long dead. Lannen nosed his way through the mess, paying particular attention to the faded, curling edges of a picture. The white man was lucky that there wasn't any broken glass on the floor, although it appeared as though there had been some disruption in this building before it had been abandoned. The white wolf was in his lupus form today. He had been born to this form, though he rarely used it. When an attack had infected him with the shifting virus, he had risen to the challenge, mastering the form of two legs. However, being in this feral form made him feel strange, as if he was more in tune with his senses.

He breathed in the scents of dust, wrinkling his nose in distaste as the particles flew into his nostrils. He shook his head a bit, and stepped away from an overturned display, his ears flicking when he hear the sound of footsteps. The white wolf turned his brown eyes upon the form of a multi-colored male wolf. He regarded the man curiously, cocking his head to the side for a moment. After discerning a bit of his scent, Lannen ambled over a few steps, deciding to introduce himself. "Hey, man," he said.

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