Missing some of the pieces


[ooc; ok so what will the posting order be? Leroy, Jacquez Firefly,DaVinci 'Dait Nasphrite, Svara,and then Haven anyway i was curious]

Would she hear me, if I called her name..

Her words made Leroy smile as he nodded at her small mumbling before she pushed her face back into his chest, his eyes held back the tears as his cheek remained damp from his past tears. Leroy's ears pricked up at the sound of a swiftly approaching other, but he relaxed when it his eyes seen his soon to be leader. If this strange male was to lead him Leroy would need to trust him, here is a moment that Jacquez better not fail. Jac's spoke quickly and in horror but Leroy glanced back at Svara as she seemed to try and hide more against his body, Leroy's hand didn't move from holding the lupus form of Svara but Jac's words made much since to him."I know,I know..It's just-" Leroy stopped speaking when the man smacked his cheek which brought a split second flash of teeth towards Jac, but the small hit did clear his head from a lot of his own panic.

His call had done the job as Firefly came from the direction of the cabin, red eyes looked to the green ones of Firefly's as soon as she entered into sight range. His words were almost unneeded but Leroy was very happy she was there, at least now he could put Svara down to help Jac even if he didn't want to. "Firefly please.." His words didn't even need to finish as the brown woman tore apart her dress,throwing some to Jacquez but the patterned male was unsure if it was enough to build a something to carry her. Firefly went to work on stopping what bleeding she could, but they needed to get her back to the cabin. Leroy moved so he could set her down and gather wood but Svara suddenly let out a painful scream that stopped him from moving, Firefly howled beside him but his eyes locked onto Svara as she almost cling to him before he spoke at Jac."I can't move, she needs me here to keep her Calm Jac." Leroy carefully pattered her as he spoke comforts to her as she sobbed into his fur, "It's ok, it's ok, we are trying to help. Shh, we have to stop the bleeding." Looking about it seemed another has joined us, mostly the one Firefly has called for but Leroy paid no mind to his startled words. Leroy kept an eye on the cloth Firefly had tied to stop the bleeding, making sure that none of the were coming lose. Ears twitched as his head turned around to stare death hard at the stranger Leroy did not know, being young he wasn't a threat but his words made Leroy respond dryly before turning his back. "Then help Jac find ropes and wood.."

Would she hold me, if she knew my shame..
table by Syd


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