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eep, sloww. 337 words.

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This appeared to be the western end to Dahlia de Mai. Good. Tokyo didn't mind having being in a pack with a large territory, but she wanted to know the entire land. Not the details of every particular area, but just the generals. Like, this place was interesting. Lots of big, wooden houses, and odd vine plants lying all over the place. She didn't feel any special attraction to the area, like she did to the coasts of the land, but it wasn't offensive or anything. The long grasses were nice, and soft on her poor paws. They were run a little ragged from spending so much time amongst the sand.

Some light laughter was heard back behind some houses. Without even really consciously deciding to do so, Tokyo headed in that direction. She wove her way through the crumbling bits of wood; this one house she was passing was unique in that it was in quite a state of disarray, standing out as different amongst the sturdy buildings nestled in the grasses. Her paws were placed carefully; she didn't want to misstep and get a splinter, those things were devilishly annoying.

An odd scent from a pile of rocks to her left distracted her from her current course. Investigating, Tokyo found the bird. It was shadowed in it's hiding spot, and so her first thought was excitement at the prospect of a free lunch. When she pulled it out, though, the prettiness of the plumage made her hesitate. It would be a darn shame to bloody the pretty blue and purple bird. But if she didn't eat it, wouldn't the meat just spoil and it would be destroyed anyway? She carefully sat down the bird, in the direct sunlight where she could see it clearly. Tokyo had to decide what to do with this. The idea that it might have had an original owner didn't even really cross her mind. It didn't matter who had caught it; if they wanted it, they would not have left it here.


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